This is ECoG data from Matsuo T, Kawasaki K, Osada T, Sawahata H, Suzuki T, Shibata M, Miyakawa N, Nakahara K, Iijima A, Sato N, Kawai K, Saito N, Hasegawa I (2011): "Intrasulcal electrocorticography in macaque monkeys with minimally invasive neurosurgical protocols" Front. Syst. Neurosci., 5, p. 34. In this study, a newly-designed ultra-thin ECoG probe was introduced. The feasibility of the new ECoG protocol was demonstrated by the high signal-to-noise ratio of the signals and low (almost no) physical damage in the implanted areas.
A macaque monkey was trained in a visual fixation task to keep the gaze within !^1!k from the fixation target. 24 photographs of objects from a wide variety of categories, including faces, foods, houses, cars, etc. were presented as stimuli. Each stimulus was presented for 300 ms followed by a 600-ms blank interval.
128-channel ECoG data from the temporal lobe, recorded at 1000 Hz are included.